Quantitative Methods

This course reviews and expands upon core topics in probability and statistics through the study and practice of data analysis.

A population can be small or large, as long as it includes all the data you are interested in.

If you are using interval or ratio scales you use _________________________________.
-. Parametric Test

Non parametric tests are used when your data is normal

Parametric type of test.
-ANOVA test

Measures of spread are ways of summarizing a group of data by describing how spread out the scores are

Analysis should reflect the design, and so a matched design should be followed by a matched analysis.

Uses non parametric scale

Non-parametric tests are "distribution-free" and, as such, can be used for non-Normal variables

If your measurement scale is nominal or ordinal then you use ______________________________.
-Non Parametric Test

With this test, you also estimate the population median and compare it to a reference/target value.
-1-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test

If your measurement scale is nominal or ordinal then you use ______________________________.
-Non Parametric Test

Parametric tests have no statistical power

Valid for both non-Normally distributed data and Normally distributed data
-Non Parametric Test

Those that make assumptions about the parameters of the population distribution from which the sample is drawn
- Parametric Test

The intent is to determine whether there is enough evidence to "reject" a conjecture or hypothesis about the process. The conjecture is called the ______________________.

Analysis should reflect the design, and so a matched design should be followed by a matched analysis.
If you are using interval or ratio scales you use _________________________________.
-Parametric Test

Uses parametric scale

Non-parametric tests are "distribution-free" and, as such, can be used for non-Normal variables

Parametric tests can provide trustworthy results with distributions that are skewed and nonnormal

Non Parametric tests can provide trustworthy results when the groups have different amounts of variability

Parametric type of test

The t-statistic rests on the underlying assumption that there is the normal distribution of variable and the mean in known or assumed to be known.

ses non parametric scale

Non parametric tests are used when your data is normal

Parametric tests have no statistical power

It provides a mechanism for making quantitative decisions about a process or processes.
-Statistical Test

The parametric test is the hypothesis test which provides generalizations for making statements about the mean of the parent population.

Parametric test is mainly based on differences in medians

What other solution can you do to compute for the average of the scores?

What is the mode of the scores of the subject Social Science?
- 2

What is the mode of the scores of the subject Mathematics?
- 6

What is the average of scores of the subject Mathematics?
- 5

What is the average of scores of the subject Social Science?
- 2.6

What is the median of the scores of the subject Science?
- 3

What is the mode of the scores of the subject Mathematics?
- 6

What function is use to compute for the average in Excel?

What is the median of the scores of the subject Language?
- 2.5

Enter data in A3:B7 the color of 5nips and their total.
What are the variables of the activity?
-Color and Number of M&Ms/Nips

What is the formula for variance?

Enter the following fomula:
B9: =average(B3:B7)
B10: =count(B3:B7)

What does this line does? average(B3:B7)
-Get the mean of the scores

Enter the following formula:
C3: = B3-$B$9
Copy the formula up to C7.

What is purpose of the $?
-Absolute Reference

What is the equivalent of the formula given in the variance formula?

Enter the following formula:
D9: =sum(D3:D7) then
B12: =D9/(B10-1)
What are your expected outputs in this number?
-Get the summation

Enter the following formula:
B13: =sqrt(B12)
What does the formula computed?
-Standard Deviation

By now, you should have completed your table. For excel shortcuts:
A14: =min(B3:B7)
A15: =max(B3:B7)
A16: =mode(B3:B7)
A17: =median(B3:B7)
A18: =var(B3:B7)
A19: =stdev(B3:B7)
What is the shortcut for getting the variance?

What is the shortcut for getting the standard deviation?

Identify what branch of statistics focus on the measures of central tendency and dispersion.
-Descriptive Statistics

Distributions cannot be displayed using percentages

Descriptive Statistics can be used to highlight potential relationships between variables.

What is the median of the scores of the subject Language?
- 2.5

What is the median of the scores of the subject Science?
- 3

Every time you try to describe a large set of observations with a single indicator you run the risk of distorting the original data or losing important detail.

With descriptive statistics you are simply ________________ what is or what the data shows

Variance is a square of average distance between each quantity and mean.

It gives an indication of how close an individual observation clusters about the mean value

It is defined as the middle of a distribution in a ranked data

If a researcher aims to find the average height of a tribe in Columbia, the variable would simply be __________________ in the sample.
- The height of the person

It has the highest level of measurements.

When the number of units in a population are uncountable, and so it is impossible to observe all the items of the universe

It aims to describe various aspects of the data obtained in the study
-Descriptive Statistics

Which is not a level of measurement?

Compute the frequency of all nominal variables using what formula?
It varies according to changes in other variables.
-Dependent Variable

Classify the level of measurement it belongs: Score in IQ Test

All measurements contain some uncertainty and error, and statistical methods help us quantify and characterize this uncertainty.

Classify the level of measurement it belongs: Gender

It is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information from data.

It refers to the relationship among the values that are assigned to the attributes for a variable.
-Level of Measurements

The statistics are presented in a indefinite form so they also help in condensing the data into important figures.

variables can be defined in terms of measurable factors through a process of _______________________________.

Numbers can be also used to order.

The independent variables are called as predicator variable because independent variables predict or forecast the values of the dependent variable in the model.

Nominal is hardly measurement. It refers to quantity more than quality.

The concept of measurement has been developed in conjunction with the concepts of numbers and units of measurement

It involves the application of specific statistical techniques to disciplines in biology such as population genetics, epidemiology and public health.

Sex or Gender is classified under what level of measurement?

These are the two main branches of statistics
-Descriptive and Inferential

Which is not a level of measurement in Statistics?
- Proportion

It is a branch of science that deals with the collection, organization, analysis of data and drawing of inferences from the samples to the whole population.

Statistics help predicts the future course of action of the phenomena.

One disadvantage of the mean is that a small number of extreme values can distort its value.

Data collection used for a population.

It has an absolute zero.

It is often based on statements of statistical significance and probability.
-Modern Science

It does not only classify and order the measurements, but it also specifies that the distances between each interval on the scale are equivalent along the scale from low interval to high interval.